The Story of the Forbidden Lands

The Keilar Chronicle
Vol III, Issue 3
Month of the Artificer, Year 172
"All the news in the realms!"

Korflu (AP)

- With the rise in power of the clans of Keilar have come the inevitable conflicts and power struggles for supremacy. The most recent incident involved an altercation between the leaders of the TASK society and the Rasta Guardians. Conditions escalated until the Rasta leader was reportedly brutally attacked and looted by members of TASK. All the commotion apparently was enough to get Zeke, Mayor of Korflu, off his lazy butt and back into the thick of things.

The mayor's immediate response was to exile the leader of TASK from the City of Korflu, an action that some consider rash and unjust. As one anonymous observer puts it : "There is no right for the exile of Trace, since there is no real law right now." Others, however, praise the mayor's action, calling the punishment justified since the victim was unsuspectingly lured from the supposedly 'safe' environs of Korflu to his fate. "The mayor did right. Korflu should be a safe haven, free of violence. It's his job to make the streets safe, and I support the exile." says another concerned citizen.

Another observer sees it as a purely political move : "It's a statement of power. While Zeke was gone, Trace held the power. Now Zeke is back."

Much of the conflict arises in the fact that the banished was not given a fair trial before his exile. Additionally, there were no laws specifically posted by the mayor beforehand. And although many feel that clans should have the right to defend themselves, the City of Korflu should be a safe haven for anyone seeking sanctuary.

Soon after the exile, however, the mayor took steps to appoint officials to undertake the task of bringing order back to the city. The first mayoral apointment to take place was for a Judge. For this position he chose Harold T. Irkle. Tiamont was named Sheriff of Korflu, and Speed chief Prosecutor. Two public defenders were also chosen, and a trial date for the accused leader of TASK was set. More to come as this story unfolds.

The Keilar Chronicle
Vol III, Issue 2
Month of the Frost, Year 171
"All the news in the realms!"

Korflu (AP)

- Two new clans have joined the growing ranks of the Keilar. elite. Led by their glorious leader, Cliff, the Postal Workers have officially gathered sufficient funds to establish themselves as an entity. Although construction of their clan home is not yet complete, we look forward to faster, more efficient delivery service. Neither pain, nor sleep, nor hordes of raging orcs will keep the postals from their work.

The other newly formed clan actually began as two separate societies : The Rastafarians and the Guardians. It's name has been subtly merged into The Rasta Guardians. The leader of this clan is Hellblazer, and the mission of the clan has been stated to be "To protect the land from destruction and abuse, while having a good time and smoking bong pipes." Their enclave is reputed to be located somewhere in a forest, but the press has yet to be invited to comment.

Additionally, the high priests of three widely worshipped aeons, Decius, Paradorn, and Saepharon, have begun taking donations for their coffers. They plan to build temples for their deities in Korflu, near the proposed site for the Pantaeon.

The Keilar Chronicle
Vol III, Issue 1
Month of the Evil One, Year 171
"All the news in the realms!"

Near New Thalos (AP)

- Today marked the establishment of a new guild - TASK, The Assassins Society of Keilar. Headed up by Trace, the self-proclaimed 'Grand Assassin', its purported mission is " take advantage of everyone and exploit them whilst filling our pockets with their precious coins and items."

Other clans have begun filling up their coffers in the hopes that they, too, may soon lay claim to a guildhome of their own.

The Keilar Chronicle
Vol II, Issue 1
Month of the Dreamwill, Year 146
"All the news in the realms!"

Erokalia (AP)

- A great festival was held today in the city of Erokalia, formerly known as Mordilnia. After nearly five long years of reconstruction the city has been rebuilt and blessed with a new name, Erokalia, for the hero who helped turn back the tide of the evil that was the Shadoes. The new mayor proclaims the city once again open for trade and commerce for all in the lands.

Korflu (weather)

- The long range forecast for the region calls for a mild spring and an unusually warm summer. Of course with the new weather patterns that have evolved since the final battle with the shadoes, the local Druid's Guild is finding it increasingly difficult to predict the weather in any given area.

Sandstorms are not uncommon in the desert areas, and blizzards may still befuddle the traveller to the cold climates. There is also cause to believe that the astral winds of that plane have increased in their frequency.

New Thalos (AP)

- The city recently fell victim to a plague believed to have originated from a ship returning from one of the far trading ports. The virus was highly contagious, but the local clerics were mobilized and it is believed to have been contained. The mayor has lifted the quarantine affecting the city and is pleased to announce business as usual.

The Keilar Chronicle
Vol I, Issue 7
Month of the Rogue Lord, Year 146
"All the news in the realms!"

Korflu (AP)

- The King is dead! Theodreali has fallen in the bloodiest campaign against the shadoes yet! The late king had amassed a great army of the strongest guards and adventurers in the land to turn back the shadoes once and for all. With Korflu as their base, they withstood the seige for a time, but in the mayhem the King received a death blow. Most of his personal guard also perished in the assault. A temporary victory was gained, however, but as the allied adventurers pushed forward to liberate Mordilnia they found the ruined city deserted. The Shadoes had vanished! There are dark rumors coming out of Souk, and it is feared the Shadoes have rejoined with an even greater evil!

Souk (Reuters)

- From the depths of our most feared nightmares came Aeon Lue Chi Woe unto the realms of mortals. From the blazing ruins of Pancea he summoned forth the Shadoe Lords into his control. Like a dark cloud they descended upon Souk, into the dojo, to do the bidding of their new master. With half the cities of Keilar reeling from the ashes and smoking remains of their battered strongholds, Lue Chi Woe set forth on his errand of destruction. With his power the very continents themselves trembled, and a select group of the most powerful heroes of the land assembled to confront this deadliest of evils.

Following the clues revealed in an ancient prophecy, they travelled to the far reaches of the world and ended up at last deep beneath the city of Korflu. There the White Basilisk had waited for centuries, and imparted upon them Shadoe Reaver, a blade forged a millenia ago in the Second War of Shadoe. Thus did Erok himself join this band, revealing himself to be the true bearer of this ancient blade. Freed at last of some unknown hold, he led the group to the feared dojo itself.

Within were naught but shriveled corpses of the mighty sohei who ruled those halls, although a greater terror was revealed to have enshrined itself within - the Shadoe Lords. In the confrontation which followed, the very foundations of the world shook, until at last a deafening roar was heard for miles away, and a giant plume of blazing light was witnessed shooting up into the night sky.

From the wreckage emerged the survivors of this battle, a ragged semblance of those who first ventured within. Somewhere in the melee Erok had vanished, but it appears as though at last the shadoes have been set back.

The Keilar Chronicle
Vol I, Issue 6
Month of the Rogue Lord, Year 146
"All the news in the realms!"

Korflu (AP)

- The Shadoes have marched on Korflu!! Mayor Zeke has called on every able-bodied man, woman, and hick to pull together to turn back this menace. The Shadoes have made frequent raids on the town for the past several days, always coming from the southwest, near the Ivory Tower. Several shopowners, including Filthy the bartender, have complained to the town guard, but they seem helpless to the might of the shadoes!

The Keilar Chronicle
Vol I, Issue 5
Month of Shadoe, Year 146
"All the news in the realms!"

Mordilnia Outskirts (AP)

- Unprecedented destruction raged here today, toppling the once mighty walls of fair Mordilnia. Without warning, dark clouds raged in from the south, and vile creatures once thought to be mere fairy tales - the Shadoes - wreaked havoc on the populace, destroying all who could not flee before their onslaught. It is said that the late mayor himself perished at the hand of a true Shadoe Lord, wielding the Shadoe Staff of legend. All heroes of the land must unite to turn back this presence before it spreads further!

Korflu (AP)

- Several scholars have been working through the nights in order to bring to light more on this menace. Their learnings have discovered several things of note. Those shadoes who are the Greater of their breed do not merely die, but pass on in their decaying dust a dreaded Shadoe Mist. This mist should be feared by all, for it drains away the very life force with the power of the evil eye...permanently! The King has enlisted the aid of all to oppose the shadoe menace, but cautions against the mist. Beware!

New Thalos (Reuters)

- In an unrelated event, a strange ship has been sighted off the eastern shores of the Great Desert. Rumors are it sails to as yet undiscovered lands!

The Keilar Chronicle
Vol I, Issue 4
Month of the Heat, Year 146
"All the news in the realms!"

Korflu (AP)

- The lands seem to be gripped by the cold hand of winter, despite the season. Many are pointing to an old prophecy recently come to light, which foretells of an ancient buried evil reclaiming its former powers. Dark clouds gather to the south, and all omens portend doom.

The Keilar Chronicle
Vol I, Issue 3
Month of the Aeon, Year 146
"All the news in the realms!"

Old Orun (Reuters)

- In a daring raid, Hick Maroop, who calls himself 'The Chosen One', defiled the sacred Temple of the Banall Aeonetti and unleashed an ancient terror. With his dark machinations, Maroop secured the release of a Low Shadoe Lord once again into the lands. This bodes ill, and is in uncommon accord with prophecies recently put forth by a wandering blind man. More to come...

The Keilar Chronicle
Vol I, Issue 2
Month of the Reckoning, Year 142
"All the news in the realms!"

Roogna (AP)

- Dark rumors are flowing out of the ruins of once mighty Xanth. Corpses of those fallen during the wars which shook the realm nearly 400 years past have risen up once again to avenge their deaths. These revenants draw upon the vilest of unearthly powers, and are unstoppable in their vengeance. To those who risk these fallen ruins, it is strongly advised that you keep up your guard, and avoid these undead at all costs!

The Keilar Chronicle
Vol I, Issue I
Month of the Artificer, Year 142
"All the news in the realms!"

Korflu (AP)


The new mayor has moved his offices from the southern end of town to the more upscale Pretcia Street. Additionally, the new town council chambers have just been built opposite the mayor's residence. Apparently this new building will serve the growing populace and its blossoming guilds. All hail Mayor ZEKE! "YEEEEHAAAAWWW!"

Southern Korflu (AP)

- Irma, Mayor ZEKE's fifth wife, has been seen roaming the environs near the old mayor's office. No official word yet on how this menace will be dealt with.

Snowmist (AP)

- Grundil, the master of this lonely town in Frigidonia, has mysteriously vanished. There were prior reports that he had dealings with dignitaries and shady characters from other continents of late, and signs that he was gathering together resources of all kinds in preparation for some new plan. Until further notice, his tower gates have been sealed shut.

Orun (AP)

- In the recent months following the 'rediscovery' of the ancient continent of Sumaria, ever increasing numbers of adventurers continue to despoil the virgin land. The existing natives are being increasingly victimized by rogues and fortune- seekers, and the beginnings of a small frontier town are croping up on the once pristine shores.

The immense popularity of Sumaria as a haven for adventurers is no less due to the rumors of hidden gold, buried deep within the jungles of the abandoned city of Old Orun than the discovery of the abode of the highest of the guild masters. Additionally, the Zoola River provides access to the inner continent and the mysterious lands within.

Moldavia (AP)

- A strange hooded messenger was spotted darting into the caverns of the goblin king. The goblins are denying the incident, but inside sources are pointing wary fingers towards one of the underworld realms. More on this story as it develops.

Korlfu (AP)

- Festivities during the most recent Festival of Redferne were violently disrupted when one named Seth and his band of hooligans layed seige upon the Serpent Float and massacred the festival participants. In the ensuing chaos, the symbol of the Korflu Life-Tree was stolen, and the town council is expected to meet in order to address security concerns for future festivals.